Ict quiz vragen
It quiz vragen
Free ICT MCQ Quizzes | Dive into our carefully curated quiz categories and take the first step toward mastering ICT skills. |
ICT Vragen quiz | Of je nu een doorgewinterde IT-professional bent of gewoon een enthousiaste computergebruiker, deze quiz zal je kennis op de proef stellen en je verrijken met interessante feiten over de wereld van technologie. |
Test je kennis met 70 Quizvragen over Computers & Internet! | From basic terminologies to complex systems, this quiz will cover a variety of topics, including hardware, software, networking, and the Internet. |
ICT Vragen quiz | . |
Ict quiz questions and answers
- Information & Communication Technology (ICT) University Quiz | Quizizz 1) What do the abbreviations ICT stand for? 2) Name two devices that are both input and output. 3) Which one is permanent between RAM and ROM.
- Test je kennis met 70 Quizvragen over Computers & Internet! - TeambuildingNation Welcome to our ICT Multiple Choice Quiz! This quiz is designed to test your knowledge of Information and Communication Technology concepts, from GPS systems to online security. .
- ICT Practice Questions and Answers | Attempts: - Quiz & Trivia Information & Communication Technology (ICT) quiz for University students. Find other quizzes for Computers and more on Quizizz for free!
- 1. Hardware: .